History of Bzomak.com

This page is intended to document the history of this site. As I learn and understand more about webpage design, I will improve and update the site, adding a brief note of the changes here.

Date Event
29/07/2024 Bought bzomak.com domain from Cloudflare Registrar.
30/07/2024 Created a private repository on GitHub.
Created new project on Cloudflare Pages.
Linked my GitHub repository to that Page.
Checked and updated the Cloudflare security settings.
31/07/2024 Updated more Cloudflare settings.
Used GitHub Copilot to create a basic "Hello World" index.html page.
Pushed the site to GitHub and it was automatically deployed to the Internet.
Restricted access to previous deployments.
Redirected the Cloudflare-generated *.pages.dev page to my custom domain.
01/08/2024 Fixed the page redirects - I'd sent all deployments to the custom domain but only wanted the latest one to be publically available.
Added www subdomain and redirected it to bzomak.com.
02/08/2024 Added _headers file to try to prevent the Cloudflare-generated *.pages.dev sites from appearing in search results.
03/08/2024 Added lang tag.
Added actual About Me content.
Added link to my Gravatar image.
04/08/2024 Added first css to create rounded corners on the Gravatar.
Added history.html page to document site history in an HTML table.
Used GitHub Copilot to generate some initial css for the site history table.
Fixed some html issues caught by Nu Html Checker
Updated HSTS settings on Cloudflare to improve score on HTTP Observatory.
Submitted site to https://hstspreload.org/.
05/08/2024 Added Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only to _headers to start testing CSP.
06/08/2024 Created account with Report URI to receive CSP reports.
07/08/2024 Added Report-To to _headers for Report URI to collect CSP reports.
Created web-dev.html page to list my tools and resources.
08/08/2024 Successfully managed to edit the _headers file to collect CSP Reports with Report URI.
Set default-src 'none' in CSP to test restrictive policy and to open up specifics later.
09/08/2024 Updated CSP.
10/08/2024 Updated CSP and set to enforce with Content-Security-Policy.
11/08/2024 Created a Project on GitHub to plan development and manage bugs.
12/08/2024 Fixed www only redirecting for the root by editing the Bulk Redirect Lists settings on Cloudflare.
13/08/2024 Added a viewport meta html tag to all pages.
14/08/2024 Added a permissive robots.txt file to the site.
15/08/2024 Added a sitemap.xml file to the site, generated by https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/
16/08/2024 Added more items to web-dev page.
Added a nav bar to the top of all pages.
17/08/2024 Add the repository's .github folder to Cloudflare's build watch path exclude list to prevent changes from triggering deployments.
18/08/2024 Test automatically generating the sitemap myself using Bash in GitHub Actions.
Use ShellCheck to test the Bash scripts.
Add the repository's bash folder to Cloudflare's build watch path exclude list to prevent changes from triggering deployments.
19/08/2024 Added a link to the sitemap.xml file in the robots.txt file.
Added querying the last modified time from git to the sitemap bash script.
20/08/2024 Updated the sitemap.xml with my own generated version.
Added testing to see if the generated sitemap.xml is identical to the current version.
21/08/2024 Fixed bug with GitHub Actions not finding the correct file modification dates.
22/08/2024 Successfully automatically update the sitemap if any html files have changed, with a verified commit from GitHub Actions Bot.
23/08/2024 Create GitHub Actions workflow to validate html files.
24/08/2024 Set up a single CI workflow to run ShellCheck on the Bash scripts, use the W3C Validator on my HTML and CSS files, and generate a new sitemap if needed.
Separate bash snippets into their own scripts that can be ShellChecked and called by Actions.
25/08/2024 Fixed some typos and tweaked some sentences.
Discovered that bzomak.com has been added to the HSTS Preload List on August 17th in this commit.
26/08/2024 Set up a test workflow to call the online HTTP Observatory and PageSpeed Insights APIs.
27/08/2024 Start parsing the json results from API calls and extract to Markdown for GitHub job summaries.
28/08/2024 Use jq to create a Markdown table from json data.
29/08/2024 Start collecting ShellCheck Results as json and writing job summaries.
30/08/2024 Add links in the ShellCheck job summaries to the location of the error in question and to the ShellCheck Wiki.
Add GitHub Annotations to the ShellCheck workflow.
31/08/2024 Fail a workflow successfully without additional error codes if needed.
01/09/2024 Start using GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT to improve the robustness of the current Bash Scripts.